Subscriber Request

Key insights and channel operational guidance around topics requested by subscribers.

AI - Business Implications on the Channel

This multi-part study will provide data insights on how vendors and channel partners view the AI opportunity with proof points on how they are capitalizing on the opportunity.

Distance Sales and Marketing Trends in the Channel

The pandemic is radically changing the way sales and marketing operates in the channel.  Some of the changes will be temporary;  some of the changes are simply accelerated pre-pandemic trends (ala digital marketing) and some are changing the fundamental thought process on sales and marketing effectiveness (ala the ability to close multi-$M deals without a face to face meeting).  As part of our Covid Channel Impact Series update, we will share insights based on recent solution provider and vendor sales team research. 

Covid Channel Impact Research – Executive Summary

Helping partners navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by COVID-19 is critical to your long-term success.  Whether your partners struggle or thrive has a direct impact on your market share and ability to service customers. We’re staying on top of how this pandemic has impacted the operations of solution providers globally and the implications on their business model, financial stability, new opportunities, and which segments stand to expand or contract based on the new paradigm of how technology enables work.

The Value of Segmentation in the Channel

Products and vertical or customer markets may be segmented into different go to market strategies.  Each segment may leverage a different partner route to market (RTM) to better achieve a focused sales motion.   Segmentation may also be used to determine if an acquired company’s channel partners should be integrated into your program or continue in a program track of their own.   This webinar session will introduce 1) Customer Segmentation 2) Product Segmentation and 3) an introduction to Partner Segmentation as well as examples of how they may be used by vendors when identifying partner strategy for a broad or acquired product line or other strategic decisions.